
Friday, October 7, 2011

Journey to Hajj

Insha Allah, we will go and perform Hajj this year, with my wife and one of my daughters.
However, preparation is lagging behind, we are just living in a world that is leaving so little time for our families and other obligations,,,weeks are just flying, and these are certainly the signs of the hour, where time will become short..

I have been lucky that I already went to Hajj before, so I know what to expect, but it will be the first time for my wife and daughter, who is just 13. I wanted to take her this year, because in this ever changing world, one does not know if he will still be able to perform this ritual in a year's, I have the physical and financial means to do it al hamdulil'Allah for His Blessings, so I want to take this advantage and not delay, I live close to this country but I do not know for how long I will still be around, so one should not make long hopes and should rather take the chance to be close by and not gamble at all..

During my previous hajj, I had to take a taxi in Mekkah, and when I asked the taxi driver (who was Saudi) if he had performed hajj, he told me no...I asked him for the reason, he admitted that they view hajj as their best financial month, so each time, the appeal for making profit was greater than performing hajj..he was 30, and I felt sorry for him, living in Mekkah and not performing hajj yet...I am thankful to Allah to Have sent me to His holy places, it feels just great to think that this is the kind of weather that our Prophet Muhammed (S) experienced, these are the same mountains that he (S) saw, I am making tawaf in the same path that he (S) did etc...may Allah Grant us Strength and Make us Reach Mekkah again and especially, may Allah Accept our Hajj and all our deeds, for one is never sure how much of our ibadah is Accepted by Allah...
May Allah Make the journey easy for us, and for all the other Muslims, and Help the ones who did not manage to make it yet to be able to perform this fantastic trip.

Our departure is set for October 29 insha Allah, flying to Medinah for few days, then we will go to Mekkah on the 7th of Dhul Hijja...After the hajj, we will return from Jeddah to Muscat insha Allah. Duration is about 13 days in total. We have done the medical shots (Meningitis and Flu vaccine), we are waiting to make the final 50% payment and get our flight tickets. This hamlah (Hajj tour) will have 200 people in total, they seem to be serious and have been recommended by previous people who used them in the past, insha Allah they will take care of their amanah and fulfill their required duties..