
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be thankful to be alive

Our duas go to the so many Mulsim people who died today...may Allah Have Mercy on them all..and may Allah Have Mercy on us, and on all the Muslims when we will reach what they have reached....

Today, my aunt Zina was buried....she died at age 60...when the news came to me yesterday evening, I felt sad to lose her...but in the same time, I felt so lucky that I was still alive, and still being able to worship Allah,,,and be thankful to Allah that He Allowed me to live for another hour, another day...

The clock is certainly ticking for us too...death is there to remind us about our final destiny and we should not get distracted by the dunya...yet, it is so difficult to keep focus on the akheera,,,this dunya is just absorbing us too much...may Allah Make us among the people of akheera and not among the people of dunya...

Let us thus not forget to be thankful to Allah for the fact that we are still alive, and we still have time to make tawbah, and worship Him for longer thankful that we can still walk for a prayer, read from the Quran one more thankful that our tongue can still make one remembrance, duas, dhikr...

Today, now, at this instant, let us just be very Thankful to Allah that we are still alive....may Allah Keep our live full of remembrance for Him and full of Ibadah....

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