
Friday, July 29, 2011

Setting up home workshop

This is the place where all the repairs are being done...
Tried to keep this place clean, but it is certainly not the case when heavy duty work is required...
Bought and assembled a heavy duty shelves. Make sure you keep the heavy items at the bottom to prevent the shelves from falling on you. Try to organize the day to day tool in the most accessible shelve, put them all in a tool bag that should include only the tools you use most, i.e screw drivers (medium/large), hammers (medium/large), adjustable spanner, no 8,10,12 spanner, a cutter, long nose pliers etc...
Note on the side of the shelves the storage of clamps.
I also made use of that table top which has not been used for over a year. Couple of nails and hooks helped keep those tools tidy. These could be easily removed should the wooden table top be required on top of our glass top table, but so far, we never had the need of it, so better make use of it this way..


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Thankful Slave, I like your blog. I want to remind you to bolt the shelf to the wall with sturdy bolts. I saw your little one, and that age tends to get a bit monkey like. . . Keeping the heavy things on bottom is one step, but make sure to bolt it to studs or in another sturdy way. It might seem overkill, but one earthquake and it won't seem so much like overkill:) Been in a few, one big one, and I wished I had bolted a shelf like that one.


  2. Assalam aleikum Nura, thanks for your comment and for the good reminder. Indeed it is a dangerous place for the little one, and we make sure to keep the door closed always. He is only allowed to get in there when we are inside, but yes, one can never know, so I will secure the dangerous items..
    I found evidence that he strayed inside yesterday, the portable torch light was left on and another one was on the ground :), he loves playing with the torch lights so much..

    Thanks again, salam...


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