
Friday, August 19, 2011

Basic night navigation: finding Qiblah direction using Moon

"And He has subjected for you the night and day and the sun and moon, and the stars are subjected by His command. Indeed in that are signs for a people who reason." Surat An-Naĥl (The Bee) [16:16}

The following entry would help find our Qiblah direction at night. I personally find it more precise to navigate at night than during the day.
In our previous entry, we saw how to make use of the Sun to find our directions. Well, believe it or not, even when we do not see the sun at night, we can still make use of it. How? by using its reflection on the moon..

There are many facts related to the Moon, all of them could be easily observed. We just have to pay attention to the world around us to see that Allah Made so many things to help us count and find directions...

Fact 5: Sun illuminates the Moon, the Moon acts like a mirror of the Sun, it "sees" the light coming from the Sun.
Fact 6: The Moon does not appear during all the night (except for the full Moon): new Moon starts from West, then disappears after some time. The following night, the Moon appears higher in the sky, and lasts longer. The following night, again the Moon appears higher in the sky and lasts longer and so on untill the full Moon appears.
Fact 7: the full Moon rises exactly in the East, goes to South, then sets in West. It behaves just like the Sun, but this is only valid during the 13,14 and 15 days of Moon age, which we, Muslims, call the "White Days"(ayyam al baydh). These are the days of each month where we are recommended to fast by our Prophet (S)
Fact 8: from the day 15 to 30 of the Moon phase, the Moon will start to appear later and later at night. Remember at the beginning, the Moon was appearing in the West, but now, the Moon will start to appear in the East, this is crucial information that must be retained: the Moon appears in West during the first phases, and it appears in East during the last phases.(click on the picture to see a larger view)

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