
Friday, August 5, 2011

Olive Water

I recently tried Olive water to lower my high BP, and it worked...

Next step, how to make this olive water...I bought a bottle from the Herbal shop, but it did not last long unfortunately.

So I bought Olive leaves, and made infusion, left it to cool, and poured into a bottle. The taste is OK, benefits are also still there, but the color is not the same as clear as the one I had bought.

So I returned to the Herbal shop yesterday, and asked him why was my water not as clear as his, well he said, this is because the one we sell is obtained from distillation !!...

I am not studying how to make the distillation of the Olive leaves, and shall post the finding across the following weeks insha Allah..

OK, here is what the end result should look like:

Still long way to work on obtaining same clarity as theirs, but insha Allah, we will get there...

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