
Thursday, October 27, 2011


It has been almost one year since we have seen any rain falling here in Muscat...Last year, it rained for about 2 days only, the news from Thailand these days are just flooding & flooding, yet in other parts of the world like here, people are longing to see rain falling...We had some drops a couple of weeks ago, but nothing enough to wet the road and the clouds dissipated fast afterwards...

We must never forget that rain is a blessing from Allah, it could be also a punishment, but for those lucky enough to see rain falling everyday or regularly, you must not forget to thank Allah for this blessing, because other people elsewhere are lacking to see this important blessing...

Let us hope to see some more rain this coming year insha Allah.

Update November 19, 2011:
Few days after I posted the above, during our Hajj trip, the rain finally came to Muscat. It rained heavily for 90mn, and the following pictures (taken from an e-mail that got circulated), are just showing the extends of the damage caused, but still, we thank Allah for His Blessings:

Heavy clouds covering Muscat....

Waterfalls cascading down the hills - the first time it has occurred in the last 21 years

You can judge on the water level using that road sign

Hospital: patients had to be evacuated

Ambulances paralyzed....

Fortunately, the patients were evacuated just in time..

Car pile up...

Pile up...

Sink holes, engulfing cars...

Fairly large size rocks have been carried down the mountain...

Tons of rocks have been deposited along the streets...

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