
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hajj steps 7: Muzdalifah

Walk or take the bus to Muzdalifah?:
By experience, walking to Muzdalifah will be quicker than the bus in most cases.
If you decided to walk, then you should be taking the pedestrian road#1, it is the most straight one.
You will see that there will be many bottle necks on the way to Muzdalifah, these are mainly created by people selling stuff in the middle of these roads, and as people stop to buy, it creates bottlenecks. The stuff you could buy if needed is food, fruits, or sandals etc...Do not expect to walk at a good speed, the problem is that you are part of million of other people, and the pace is pretty slow. It is recommended to keep making duas during this trip and keep silent as much as possible.

If you reach a point where you can't walk?
If you, or one among your group just cannot walk anymore, then  you have the choice to either make the rest of the trip using a motorbike, or a wheel chair. I do not know the price for these, but expect something around 200 SR.

Some time and distance data:
Maghrib time was 17:44. People started walking out of Arafah
It took us over 1hr to cross 150m only to reach the limits of the Masjid Namirah!
Left limit of Arafah at 18:53
Arrived limits of Muzdalifah : 20:20 (this is thus about 1 1/2 hr distance)
Walked another 40mn to pass the Masjid of Mashaar Al Haram, which is the only big Mosque you would see inside Muzdalifah (this is the place mentioned in the Quran where we should be making duas).
We stopped walking at 21:00. 
Set our tent, prayed Maghrib Isha, collected pebbles, had some food for dinner and went to bed when it was exactly 22:00

Note that our group who took the bus, sent us sms that they arrived in Muzdalifah at 22:30, so this is confirming that walking was the best option for us again.

Distance between the Jabel Arafah to Masjid Mashar Al Haram in Muzdalifah = 9KM
Muzdalifah- Masjid Al Mashaar al Haram.

Street maps of Muzdalifah & Arafah:

Map showing the boundaries between Arafah & Muzdalifah

Street Map - Arafah

Map of Muzdalifah area

<--Step 6  Step 8--->

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