
Friday, June 8, 2012


My life is is full of sadness and sorrow, I am so desperate that I just wanna die..

Let me take a walk in my neighborhood...I just feel so desperate..
 Hey, this is the house of Mr. A....he seems so sad, his wife died few years ago, his 9 children are rarely paying a visit to him. Two of his sons are living close by, yet, they barely heat up the chair they sit on when they come to see him, nor send him any money or food.
This is the house of Mrs. F!. She has been widower at young age and is now growing old, but she has not managed to see her grand children for years, as her son refuses to visit her or bring them to her. She cries a lot and looks very sad too...She used to be a very pretty woman, but she refused to remarry in order to take care of her four children. Today, the children are all grown up and they seem to have forgotten all the good that she did to them.

Here is Miss J flat...look, she too is crying...she built dreams onto marrying her long time fiancé, but he turned to be a crook and is now serving prison term. He was put in jail few weeks before their planned wedding. Miss J's father recently died and the flat owner refuses to extend the lease, soon she will be left without house, without father and without husband.                                                                                                              
This is Dr. S house. He has been married for very long time, but they still have not been blessed by any baby. His wife looks very sad, she prays a lot to be a mother...Him too is very sad, he tries to hide his sorrow the best he could. Their house is so silent..
I am close to Mr and Mrs. K house...both of them have been out of job for years, they are job seeking but can't find any durable job. As a result, they had to pull their elder daughter out of school as they can't afford the fees anymore, the family is in real desperate need, morale is low, a lot of crying and sadness are in this house...
I'm passing by Mrs. H house..She has a nice family, but her husband is a drug addict. This is certainly a calamity and she is confronted to a serious and terrible issue, her tears won't help calm the little crying kids, the family is running low on money, debts are building up...
This is the house of Mr & Mrs. I. She has a very nice house, she is a young lady but she has been battling with cancer for few years now. She has Leukemia and she has young children...I am not sure about what could be all her feelings in this situation...

So, did you get the message? You must be thankful for what you have, and just stop complaining. There are so many people around us who are in a much worse situation than ours. We all know one of these individuals, who are by the way, all real personalities, from my relatives and friends. Their story is as described, I can't find any word sometimes to say when I meet with them. All I can tell them, is to stay patient, that after the hardship, there is ease...after hardship, there is ease...

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