
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Translation of a Poem from Imam Shafi'i: "O the one with sorrow, the sorrow will be gone"

Done some translation on a Poem from Imam Shafi'ii, many Imams are referring to it during their Khutbas & lectures, I knew it in Arabic and the following is an attempt to translate it into English, although the real meaning won't be close to the Arabic words. Arabic language is an extremely powerful one and it is not an easy matter to try to translate the meaning of the words.
Anyway, I like this Poem and I found it more than handy at several occasions.
Note: there are many variants of this Poem and I am not sure if the one below is the authentic one, I apologize if this is not the exact original text.

يا صاحب الهم إن الهم منفرجٌ *** أبشـر بخير ٍ فإن الفارج الله
O the one with sorrow, the sorrow will be gone***rejoice with good as the Opener is Allah
اليأس يقطع أحيانا بصاحبـه *** لا تيــأسن فـإن الصانع الله
Despair can sometimes cut his owner***Do not lose hope as Allah is the Maker
الله يُحدث بعد العسر ميسرةً *** لا تجـزعنَّ فإن الكافي الله
Allah would make after hardship ease***Do not be anxious as Allah is The Sufficient
إذا ابتليت فثق بالله وارض به *** إن الذي يكشف البلوى هو الله
If you are tested then trust Allah and be satisfied with Him***the One who Removes the tribulations is Allah
إذا قضى الله فاستسلم لقدرته *** فما ترى حيلة فيما قضى الله
If Allah Decreed a matter then submit to His Power***as you won’t see any subterfuge to what Allah Has Decreed

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