
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Time Management - Part 6: Advices and Conclusions

Part 1 - Islamic Importance of Time
Part 2 - Sunnah & Time Management
Part 3 - Actual Time Management
Part 4 - Myth of Multitasking
Part 5 - Developing Good Habits

General Advices and Conclusions

  • DO NOT procrastinate. The sooner you would start you job, the sooner you would finish it.
  • Be and act responsible, no one else will do your work 
  • DELETE time wasters (internet, TV, some friends, smart phone, FB etc..)
  • Avoid interruptions, it will cost you to get back to where you were before getting interrupted.
  • Focus on “one thing” at a time and make sure that this “one thing” belongs to the 80:20 area
  • Always plan ahead (Stay in Quadrant II : what is important but not urgent).
  • Divide big project into smaller tasks (how do you eat an Elephant? One bite a time!)
  • Define your goals
  • Plan to achieve your goals (schedule)
  • Be aware of time stealers and avoid them
  • Do as much as you can to clear incomplete tasks and move on because “work will never finish”.
  • Remember: what is written to reach you will never miss you and what is written to miss you will never reach you.”
  • Remember: Allah Will Never make you bear more than what you can stand/handle
  • Regularity is the essence of Time Management
  • “Allah is pleased with the deed done with regularity no matter how small it is.” 
  • Our days are counted, we are getting closer to our grave each day, stop wasting time.
  • What has gone will not come back
  • Do not waste your time looking into the past, but rather focus on today and tomorrow
  • Be like a traveller on earth
  • Make great use of Fejr time - It is a blessed time of the day, much could be accomplished then.
  • “There are two bounties of Allah wherein most people are distracted: health and free time”.
  • Allah states in a Hadith Qudsi “O! Son of Adam free yourself for my obedience and I will make you independent and remove your poverty, and if you will not do so, I will tire you with work and never remove your want and poverty”.

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