
Friday, August 30, 2013

Beware of Domestic Accidents

Our children are precious but they could easily fall victims of domestic accident. Here is an interesting link from our friend blogger to share her experience in this topic:

This reminds me of my niece, when she was just 6. She always saw her mother brushing her teeth at night, and then after that, eating one small pill from a medicine box in the bathroom cabinet.
One day, early evening, she imitated her mom too, brushed her teeth and opened the bathroom cabinet to take not only one pill, but all the pills from that box. It was the contraception pills of her mom that she had just swallowed.

Later in the evening, my brother noticed that his daughter was just too sleepy, she could not wake up and it was not her habit to sleep around that time. He sensed something was wrong with her but couldn't tell. Time passed by, but as his wife later on during a conversation mentioned her surprise that she had ran out of contraception pills and she thought she still had some, he immediately made the link. He rushed to his sleepy daughter and asked her if she had taken mom's medicine, she replied yes !!..

Of course it was the panic at their home, they induced vomiting and she rejected many pills. They took her to hospital for further stomach wash, and more pills were rejected.
Luckily, she escaped serious injury, but this reminds us that despite being always very careful, accidents can still happen. We do not pay attention that our children are observing us and might mimic our gestures and take something that seems so inoffensive for them. Therefore, it is important we always share with them these kind of stories to educate them and remind them of the several dangers at home.

May Allah Protect our children always..

I also found this web page that cold be useful for further reading:

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