
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wooden Toys - Multi Deck Boat With Lights

Kids have a natural attraction to lights and to things that "close/open". I wanted them to have some kind of toy, where they could find both, so I thought of making them a boat, then fitting it with lights and switches for them to play with.

The easiest boat I chose to build for them was based on the Ro-Ro type. Here are pictures of the steps to make it:
Step 1- Cutting the sides and bottom of boat

Step 2- Preparing the groove for the deck

Groove is ready

Deck is fitting perfectly

Next is to drill the portholes

I used a 10mm diameter drill the portholes

Stoppers for the rear door

Doors, one for the front and one for the back

Hinges for the back door 

Hinges - Using reinforced Plastic. I ended by switching to metallic ones later on

Grooves for the hinges.

Hinges would be then riveted and glued

Back door is ready

Stapling the bottom part of the hull

Leaving the glue to dry after the stapling work

Keeping all in right angles for the next steps

Sides of the 1st deck - Same porthole sizes

All marked and getting ready for the stapling and gluing

A bit of decoration for the sides using wood burner

Sides are now ready

Moving front door. Metallic hinges could be seen and magnetic stopper to keep it in place

Front door ready and holding tight.

Preparing the living quarters

Two compartments should be more than enough

Adding Carpets. Underneath this deck are lights. I have put a switch at the back as seen here

The Bridge. Carpets have been fitted. Battery to operate the lights underneath

Bridge is ready

Top cover - This is what took most time, due to the  rotating search light fitting

Exploded view of the multideck boat

Cosy and comfy

Boat Garage.

The boys getting ready to let their passengers get on board

Front door opens, the boat has a large garage bay

Blue lights for the bridge

Back lights all functionning

Front view

Rear view

Close view of the deck

Time to get the boat inspected

Boat certified all dox are ready

Powerful search light, can rotate and kids really love it.

Boat- general view at night. All lights on

General view of the boat during day light. Next would be painting and adding some additional items
 Kids seem happy with it for the moment, stuffing many of their cars in the garage, opening and close the doors, and switching on and off all the lights.

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